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Updating my mobile website

So... I've been using Wix for a couple of years to bring my website to everyone, I found it was a great place to showcase my imagery in a way for those who wish to see it. I worked on it any opportunity I got, I started to change my colour themes and my layouts until I was happy with its appearance. I felt the grey was a professional and sleek colour so it didn't subtract from my imagery but when I was on the mobile version of my website it was fractured and appeared to be patchy.

◄ The start of the homepage

This was the old mobile website layout, as you can see the text is fragmented... Each image should include a arrow which contains a title, a caption and a link to the web page.

The new update should have fixed this issue and I hope to share more with you guys as I work to improve my website for you.

◄ The start of the new website improvement

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